Small groups

Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20
Circling is a relational moment to moment meditation with 3 or more people. Circling, sometimes called Inter-subjective Meditation, is done by bringing Presence, with its heartfelt compassion, to each person, and the movement of energy and conversation in a group. Within the Presence, which is the backbone of the practice, groups dive into deep inquiry of what is real and true. When an individual's 'world' is heard, seen and known within the context of this Presence, a new level of awareness can open. Pain and difficulty, no longer hidden, can be healed. Joy, enthusiasm and life giving energy can be freed, circulated or expressed. When our awareness is given to deep listening within and to each other, new levels of truth, wholeness and understanding emerge in all participants. Each member learns more about themselves and their habits of attention and awareness within this relational field which can be carried over into their life and all their relationship.
For now circling groups led by Life Hughes will be on Zoom. Please contact him if you would like to join a group:
Pilot Light Bible Group, led by Rev. Jane Leifer
When all things began, the Word Already was. The Word dwelt with God
and what God was, the word was. John 1:1
Pilot Light Bible Group has been meeting for several years, first in person and now on zoom.
We hope to resume time together in person soon. We have covered various books in the bible and have explored Gnostic Gospels as well. We usually meet every Wednesday in the evening.
The time together includes reading a passage, silent reflection and sharing what words open some deeper presence within. It is a time of listening to one another and enjoying how the intimacy of sharing our own knowing can ignite an insight in another and in the group as a whole. This sharing brings us not only closer to the Word, but also to one another in a quiet Presence among us. All the readings have been posted on our WhatsApp group 'Pilot Light', so that those in Europe can read the scriptures and respond with their insights even though they cannot be part of the live meeting times.
Our schedule for Lent:
Text may be sent by email or WhatsApp the day before our meeting.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 2
Until Pentecost (June 5) We will meet Wednesday night every week at 7:30 pm MT on Zoom, and when possible at Pastor Jane’s house. Please email her if you want to join the group and for her address if you are local: