Spiritual Counseling
“Deepening one's own connection with Spirit is profoundly healing”
- Joëlle Kuster
In life we all need a companion along the way. Someone who can deeply listen to our pain while recognizing our capacity to heal. A co-traveler who sees who we truly are is a gift. Moving in the truth of the spirit is not always easy in this world. A spiritual companion can support you to become what you truly are and to live that true You amidst life’s challenges.
Spiritual counseling sessions are a combination of psychology and spiritual approach to our both self and spiritual development.
A Pilot Light Counselor supports you accessing the living presence of God within. It is from there that true healing and transformation can take place. Sessions provide a safe, caring space where individual can gently open to the conscious and unconscious patterns that may appear to obstruct the way, yet when seen from the Higher Self can become stepping-stone to healing and transformation.
From the Spiritual Direction tradition the “counselor” is a companion supporting your discernment in determining what is the real, true voice within from the conditioned beliefs and ancestral patterns.
Various psychological and spiritual techniques may be offered to help you realize and manifest change both in your interior as well as in your outer life.
Session are offered on a sliding scale with the first introduction meeting being at no cost. This offers you the opportunity to see if this counselor can best address your concerns and goals. We have a large referral network of colleagues with various experience and skills if it is discerned that someone else might better meet you needs.
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Seminars & Retreats
Retreats and Sabbath Time. Once in awhile we need to take some time away from our busy life and the troubles of the world to find that still point within. In the quiet we can open to the deep nurture and healing of Love within and in nature.
We offer silent retreats with option for individual spiritual direction. We also offer group retreats that can bring church groups or organization an opportunity to find new levels of inspiration and creative expression together. Our team is highly skilled and experience in organizational development and change new and creative ways, or learn new retreats group sharing. and to dive inwardly, to deepen one's connection with Spirit, to release inner blocages that obstruct the flow, and to gain clarity on the bigger picture, and deeper meaning of Life, thanks to a mix of interactive sessions, meditation, circling, dance/body movement, and contemplation (alone time).
Dream Sharing
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Training Programs
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Bible Group
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