Rev Life Hughes

Life has been a student, participant and more recently a leader in the fields of spiritual development, counseling, and small group presence process for the last 25 years.He has been a minister for over 10 years and the vice president of Living as Love for the last 9. He brings his strong belief and faith in God with a willingness to meet and interact with people of all faiths, and denominations. From the practical foundational steps of setting up a Church to the everyday work of ministering to a congregation, it is his joy and calling to be of service and work for others.
Along with the experience in helping found one church and consult with several others. he has traveled and met with fellow ministers and religious leaders of all three major western religions and spent time with many different leaders of Eastern spirituality as well.
His leadership is relaxed, inclusive and emergent, with an emphasis on meeting the undiscovered potential in individuals and groups. His passion is group work and how a small or bigger group can access the synergy and dynamism of a whole and develop not only more harmoniously as a group but as a body of love.